Happy 2010 from our family to yours...A question for everyone - Will you be saying two-thousand-ten or twenty-ten? The general census on the Today Show the other day was twenty-ten, but I am on the fence...
I would vote for twenty ten. However, I have thought about saying o-ten, not zero-ten. Just like we would say o-nine. May not sound the best or be "correct", but I think it could work.
I would vote for twenty ten. However, I have thought about saying o-ten, not zero-ten. Just like we would say o-nine. May not sound the best or be "correct", but I think it could work.
I like "twenty-ten". I read your blog from time to time but just recently figured out that have to be a follower to comment, etc. Ha!
Happy new year! I'll probably say two-thousand and ten...but what do I know! Hope it's wonderful for you and your family!
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