Sunday, December 27, 2009

Winter Wonderland

It definitely turned out to be a white Christmas in our neck of the woods. The Blizzard of 2009 struck early and hard Christmas Eve morning and left us blanketed in snow. The winds were blowing all night Wednesday and on Thursday the snow started. I never saw an official total, but we had a least 6" of snow - a rarity around here. We had planned on traveling to Tulsa on Christmas Day, but decided to play it on the safe side and postpone our visit with my parents until this coming weekend.

Trace's siblings were all in, so we made the most of the snow with lots of outside time once the storm died down.

This is actually on Friday, Nathan in his new wagon, a present from mommy and daddy.

The three of us on Thursday.

Wyatt and Fungi in the tire tracks.

The house, there were deeps snow drifts from the wicked winds, I am sure they will linger for weeks to come.

Snow drifts behind the barn. It was funny to watch the cows make their way through the snow - I am sure it was a first for them.

Nathan on cousin Lillian's little 4-wheeler, he was ready to go!

Nathan and me going for a ride.


More to come...Hoping everyone had a safe, Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

Sweet Simplicity said...

The family pic of you guys turned out good. The background has a great color to it. I'm glad we got to see so much of you all!

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